From the recording John Dodge

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I awakened deep in your garden this morning
Seeds sown and sweetness complete
I turned for the gates but your murmurs bestirred me
Please sir, delay your retreat
And stay with me here in my garden forever
Here in this paradise made for two
And I will deliver the fruits of your planting
A girl for me and a boy for you
I’ll give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of
Amethyst fountains and rubies aglow
The Earth and its treasure I’ll lay at your doorstep
A hearth and a shelter forever to know
You’re kind and you’re generous, sweet master gardener
To offer me shelter and treasure and fire
But there’s only one vision I’ve ever dreamed of
Only one pleasure I require
Please stay with me here in my garden forever
Deep in this paradise made for two
And I will deliver the fruits of love’s labor
A girl for me and a boy for you
Come and sit with me here in our chair by the fireside
Dream with me deeply and lovely and long
And we’ll weave our memories, present and future
Into the verses of your song
Please stay with me here in my garden forever
Here in this paradise made for two
And I’ll give you everything you’ve ever wanted
A girl for me and a boy for you